Techworld Venture Lab

The Entrepreneur Business Development; Networking; Business Events & Services Market Place!



Hosting events on Techworld venture Lab Entrepreneur Global network platform for Techworld Venture lab members exclusively or for entrepreneurs, Ventures startup or any other interested person, locally, nationally or global


Evented hosting and event hosted with Techworld venture lab can be hosted in any location and in any country and they can be a virtually held events, which can be zoom type or webinar and events that are hosted in location are in person events 


All events hosted with Techworld Venture lab, in person or Virtual in any country by individual, group, businesses, and organization will have required event application form to be completed and submitted for review and approval. Information provided on the application form, will be used to list events and display events in the event listing page and in organizer state or country of event location page and in the events global calendar for easy finding of event intended and prospect attending audience. 


Techworld venture lab will be responsible for managing all the events attendee’s registration. The registration system that Techworld venture lab is providing or using, its design to gather and manages attending registration information and this information are secured and protected from any access by an unauthorized person that is trying to gain access to event attendees 

A hosted event attendees’ registration information can be made available to the event host and event organizer, and information provided to an organizer will be only registration of the attendees that attended their event. However, some registration data information such as payment accounts, credit cards and similar information will not be made available to the event host. 


Events hosted with Techworld Venture lab are either a free no cost to attend or an event that requires attendees to pay fees. Either an event will be no fee to attend or a required fee to be charged, will depend on the event host and event organizers and what type of event is being hosted. 

All events hosted with Techworld Venture lab, either a fee is charged to the audience to attend or an event is a no fee to attend, will have either one specified with the event, when it is listed or displayed as well as having such information in the event registration page. 


Techworld Venture Lab does not charge events that are free events to the attendees. Techworld venture Lab, only charges on events that requires event attendees to pay fees in order to attend or gain access to an event. Techworld Venture Lab will charge a % of the fee that a person attending an event will pay. 

Please click Host Event to go complete Techworld venture Lab Host Event Application Form if you are interested in hosting an event with us and through us