• Step 1 (Overview)
  • Step 2 (Requirement)
  • Step 3 (Account Login/Reg)

Host Event Overview

TechWorld venture host event platform, allows individual, organization or business entities, to create, organize and host events they are interested in hosting either for fees, one that targeted attendees, will pay to attend, or one that will be hosted with no fee paid or charges to attend event.

Events hosted on TechWorld venture Lab events hosting platform are usually for entrepreneurs, startup or any others that are related in one form or the other and interested in attending events that are targeted to ventures entrepreneurs and startup ventures and other established business owners

Generally, events type that are hosted are one that will attract venture startups, in the community or business development ecosystem. Event host entities are allowed or can host whatever event type they are interested in and use these events to attract market target audience.


Virtual Events

TechWorld venture Lab events management platform can be used to organize or set up a virtual event such as Zoom, Webinar and any other type of virtual events that any host event entities might like to host.

 All virtual events type will require virtual events access credential, which host events, will have to provide along with other related events details that will be made available to events register attending audience

In-person Events

Host events can use the platform to create, organize and host in person events type. Host events will have to provide them in person events location address along with other vital in person events they are hosting on the host event application form. Information provided will be made available with the events at the time when the event is displayed for attendees’ registration. Other details that are needed to be made available to attendees after they have registered to attend event at the in person event location place of address


TechWorld venture lab is a business development center and its platform is designed to support entrepreneurs, their startup ventures and other small businesses that are already established and in their growth stage.

 The platform structure and services offers on the platform are geared to these, so also the host events activities are expected to be about reaching out to these in various community, locally and global and creating and hosting events that will have these targets market audience as attendees to most hosted events activities by various host events entities using the events platform to create and manage the events they host.

However, host events entities are welcome and allowed to host events that serve the needs of the entities they are representing or for the purpose which they are hosting an event for.


Tech world ventures manages all hosted events on the platform that various hosting events entities are creating and hosting on the platform. The platforms manage the following activities that are related to any events hosted on the platform:

  • Events display set up
  • Events registrations process
  • Events attendees record
  • Events attendee’s fees collection
  • Events attendees’ credentials to attend events
  • Events online logistics support.
  • Entities hosting events accounts

All the above activities related to events are been managed on the platform events management system including entities hosting events account


All the entities that are allowed to host events on the platform are required to create an account. The account created will allow host event entity to have access to events activities that the management system manages

 Host event entities will be able to access their event activities attendee’s registration database records, events attendees’ payment records and the events planning and event set up applications system that event hosts will need to create and launch the events they would like to have to support the event services they provide.

 Host event, through their account, ae able to create a marketing campaign to promote and market their event to prospect market attendees


Host event entities are allowed to create events that require fees to be paid to attend as well as events that are free of no charges to attendees. Host event entities can charge the appropriate fee to those that are interested in attending the event type they are providing.

TechWorld venture lab event platform has a payment system that is set up to process and manage all payments that are made with a credit or debit bank card. Events fee payments are made available to Host event entities after a 15% event management and logistic support fees are deducted from the total event fees receipt.

TechWorld Venture lab platform charges no fee to host event entities using the platform to host and manage the event{s} they have created.


TechWorld venture lab host event entities type is open and available to anyone in the global marketplace. Interested in hosting events as an individual, organization, services provider or business, an account is required to be created and to do so, Host event entities' application form to apply to be Host event will have to be completed. Application submitted, will be reviewed and upon being approved, authentication and acceptance email will be sent to the potential Host event entity.

Host Event entity, will authenticate their account and use the account login credentials provided to login into their host event account where they can begin creating the event(S) they would like to display on the event platform, so that they can be made available to their prospective audience in their event marketplace.

Host Event Entities Requirements

All entities that are allowed to use TechWorld venture Lab even hosting platform are all bonded by the same requirement, even when their host event entity is different from the other. Either you are individual/organization/business/ ecosystem entity, the below requirements will apply to all:

Host event entities are not an employee of TechWorld venture Lab, they are entities that have been approved and authorize to use the event platform to create, organized and stage events to support the entities they represent in their area, be it in the united states or outside united stated.

Host event entities that are using hosting event to generate revenue, through event ticket sales, sponsorship or marketing will be able to keep 85% of all the proceeds they receive or that their host event bring in and the TechWorld venture lab keeps 15% as host event platform management and logistic support fees.

All host event entities are responsible

  • 1. For planning, organizing marketing, promoting and hosting their host event.
  • They are responsible to provide all event relevant information that event attendees will need, such as event virtual credentials for all virtual events
  • Provide event location place if event is in person events
  • responsible to line up guest speaker(s)
  • Provide entertainment, foods and drinks, if they are hosting event that needs to have these.

All host event entities will be required to complete a hosting entities application form and provide a brief discretion about why they want to become a event host entity with a short u-tube link video presentation about themselves and the host entity event type they plan to be hosting.

Host event entities, will be provided account after their application is review and approved. They will use account to manage all their entity host event planning, organizing and hosting all the events activities their entity will be having

Event Host Entities Application Form

Personal Details

Contact Details

Your social Media account:

Location Details